ABSTRACT:As the transition to extrauterine life at birth alters the proportions of type I and II alveolar epithelial cells (AECs), our aim was to determine the effect of mild preterm birth on AECs and surfactant protein (SP) gene expression. Preterm lambs were born at ϳ133 d of gestational age (DGA); controls were born at term (ϳ147 DGA). Lungs were collected from preterm lambs at termequivalent age (TEA; ϳ2 wk after preterm birth) and 6 wk post-TEA. Control lung tissue was collected from fetuses (at 132 DGA), as well as from lambs at ϳ6 h (normal term) and 2, 6, and 8 wk of postnatal age (PNA). In controls, the proportion of type I AECs decreased from 65.1 Ϯ 3.9% at term to 50.9 Ϯ 3.3%, while the proportion of type II AECs increased from 33.7 Ϯ 3.9% to 48.5 Ϯ 3.3% at 6 wk PNA. At 2 wk after preterm birth, the proportions of type I and II AECs were similar in preterm lambs compared to 132-d fetal levels and term controls but differed from control values at 2 wk PNA; differences between control and preterm lambs persisted at 8 wk PNA. At ϳ2 wk after preterm birth, SP-A and SP-B, but not SP-C, mRNA levels were significantly reduced in preterm lambs compared with term controls, but these differences did not persist at 2 and 6 wk PNA. We conclude that mild preterm birth alters the normal postnatal changes in type I and II cell proportions but does not severely affect SP gene expression.