The paper highlights the importance of using datadriven decision-making tools in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to improve academic performance and support sustainable development. HEIs must utilize data analytics tools, including educational data mining, learning analytics, and business intelligence, to extract insights and knowledge from educational data. These tools can help HEIs' leadership monitor and improve student enrolment campaigns, track student performance, evaluate academic staff, and make data-driven decisions. Although decision support systems have many advantages, they are still underutilized in HEIs, leaving field for further research and implementation. To address this, the authors summarize the benefits of applying data-driven decision approaches in HEIs and review various frameworks and methodologies, such as a course recommendation system and an academic prediction model, to aid educational decision-making. These tools articulate pedagogical theories, frameworks, and educational phenomena to establish mainstay significant components of learning to enable the scheming of superior learning systems. The tools can be utilized by the placement agencies or companies to find out their probable trainees/ recruitees. They can help students in course selection, and educational management in being more efficient and effective.