Morphological selection techniques of gametes and embryos are of current interest to clinical practice in ART. Although intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection (IMSI), time lapse imaging morphometry (TLIM) or quantification of chromosome numbers (PGS) are potentially useful in research, they have not been shown to be of statistically predictive value and, thus, have only limited clinical usefulness. We make the point that morphological markers alone cannot predict the success of the early embryo, which depends on the correct orchestration of a myriad of physiological and biochemical activation events that progress independently of the maternal or zygotic genome. Since previous attempts to identify metabolic markers for embryo quality have failed and there is no evidence that the intrinsic nature of gametes and embryos can be improved in the laboratory, embryologists can only minimize environmental or operator induced damage while these cells are manipulated ex vivo.