We initiate a programme to compute curvature corrections to the nonabelian Born-Infeld action. This is based on the calculation of derivative corrections to the abelian Born-Infeld action, describing a maximal brane, to all orders in F = B +2πα ′ F . An exact calculation in F allows us to apply the SeibergWitten map, reducing the maximal abelian brane point of view to a minimal nonabelian brane point of view (replacing 1/F with [X , X ] at large F ), resulting in matrix model equations of motion in the considered background. We first study derivative corrections to the abelian Born-Infeld action and compute the two loop beta function for an open bosonic string in a WZW (parallelizable) background. This beta function is the first step in the process of computing open string equations of motion, which can be later obtained by either computing the Weyl anomaly coefficients or the partition function in the given background. The beta function for the gauge field is exact in F and computed to orders O(H, H 2 , H 3 ) (where H = dB and the curvature is R ∼ H 2 ) and O(∇F, ∇ 2 F, ∇ 3 F). In order to carry out this calculation we develop a new regularization method for two loop graphs. We then relate perturbative results for abelian and nonabelian Born-Infeld actions, by showing how abelian derivative corrections yield nonabelian higher order commutators and vice-versa, at large F . We begin the construction of a matrix model describing α ′ corrections to Myers' dielectric effect. This construction is carried out by first setting up a perturbative classification of the relevant nonabelian tensor structures, which can be considerably narrowed down by the physical constraint of translation invariance in the action and the possibility for generic field redefinitions. The final matrix action is not uniquely determined and depends upon two free parameters. These parameters could be computed via further calculations in the abelian theory.