“…Precision measurements of various matrix elements associated with (anti)neutrino-nucleon (ν)ν − N scattering can directly impact a wide variety of physical processes. These include, but are not limited to, an understanding of solar neutrino [1][2][3] and atmospheric [4][5][6] neutrino oscillations, three non-vanishing mixing angles [7,8] resulting in a phase-violating CP asymmetry leading to matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe in the three-neutrino framework, dynamics of neutron-rich core-collapse supernovae [9,10], axial-sector structure of the nucleon, strange quark (squark) contribution ∆s to the proton spin, and nonstandard interactions leading to beyond-the-standardmodel physics [11]. One such matrix element is the weak neutral current (WNC) axial form factor (FF) G Z A , arising through the exchange of a neutral Z 0 boson between the lepton and quarks.…”