The ®nite element alternating method is extended further for analyzing multiple arbitrarily curved cracks in an isotropic plate under plane stress loading. The required analytical solution for an arbitrarily curved crack in an in®nite isotropic plate is obtained by solving the integral equations formulated by Cheung and Chen (1987a, b).With the proposed method several example problems are solved in order to check the accuracy and ef®ciency of the method. Curved cracks emanating from loaded fastener holes, due to mixed mode fatigue crack growth, are also analyzed. Uniform far ®eld plane stress loading on the plate and sinusoidally distributed pin loading on the fastener hole periphery are assumed to be applied. Small cracks emanating from fastener holes are assumed as initial cracks, and the subsequent fatigue crack growth behavior is examined until long arbitrarily curved cracks are formed near the fastener holes under mixed mode loading conditions.
IntroductionThe ®nite element alternating method (FEAM) has been known to be an effective method for obtaining accurate stress intensity factors. The method has been applied successfully to two dimensional cracks as well as three dimensional cracks (Atluri 1986(Atluri , 1997. However, until now, in the case of plane problems, the method was limited to the case of multiple arbitrarily oriented straight line cracks. In this paper the FEAM is extended further in order to analyze multiple curved cracks in a ®nite isotropic plate under plane stress. With the newly proposed method, we can obtain SIF values for general multiple curved cracks, and also can simulate fatigue crack growth of multiple curved cracks in plane sheets under mixed mode loading conditions.In the FEAM, an analytical solution for a curved crack in an in®nite isotropic plate under plane stress is required. The required solution is obtained here by solving the integral equations formulated by Chen (1987a, b, 1993). In this formulation, cracks are modeled as continuous distributions of dislocations. Integral equations can be derived, under the given tractions or resultant forces on crack surfaces, for the unknown dislocation density function. Chen (1987a, b, 1993) showed that several types of integral equations, such as Cauchy singular, weakly singular or hypersingular integral equations, can be derived. In this paper we use the weakly singular integral equations, because of the convenience in manipulating the integrals (Zang and Gudmundson 1991). After solving for the dislocation density functions, stress intensity factors and stress ®elds can be calculated.In order to check the accuracy and ef®ciency of the proposed method several example problems are solved and compared with the previously published results. Curved cracks emanating from loaded fastener holes in plane stress sheets, representative of aircraft lap joints, are also analyzed. Uniform far ®eld plane stress loading on the plate and sinusoidally distributed pin loading on the fastener hole periphery are assumed to be applied. Small hole c...