(2012) -Early Cre ta ceous intra-plate vol ca nism in the Pieniny Klippen Belt -a case study of the Velykyi Kamenets'/Vilkhivchyk (Ukraine) and Biała Woda (Po land) sec tions. Geol. Quart., 56 (4): 629-648, doi: 10.7306/gq.1045The geo log i cal po si tion and geo chem is try of the ba saltic sill and tuffs oc cur ring within the Berriasian-?Albian pe lagic lime stones of the Czorsztyn Suc ces sion are de scribed. The vol ca nic rock suc ces sion of the Velykyi (= Veliky) Kamenets'/Vilkhivchyk (= Vulkhovchik, Vulhovchik, Olkhivchyk) sites is re lated to intra-plate sub ma rine vol ca nism, which took place at the south east ern ter mi na tion of the Pieniny Klippen Belt. This vol ca nism was prob a bly as so ci ated with the Early Cre ta ceous open ing of the Magura/Fore-Magura basinal sys tem, bounded by the Silesian/Marmarosh and Czorsztyn palaeoridges to the north and south re spec tively. The al ka line vol ca nic rocks from the Velykyi Kamenets'/Vilkhivchyk sites are geochemically similar to the ba saltic block from Biała Woda (Małe Pieniny Mts., Poland), which is an olistolith a few metres across within the Jarmuta con glom er ates (Maastrichtian/Paleocene). This ba saltic block was eroded from the fron tal part of the Czorsztyn Nappe and was de pos ited in the up per most part of the Grajcarek Suc ces sion at the southeast ern mar gin of the Magura Ba sin.Nestor Oszczypko and Dorota Salata, In sti tute of Geo log i cal Sci ences, Jagiellonian Uni ver sity,