As tudy of the palladium(II)-catalyzed cyclizationo fu nsaturated N-sulfonylamides was undertaken, using (diacyloxyiodo)benzenes as terminal oxidizing agents.D ifferent reactivities were observed as af unction of the nature of the unsaturation (terminal vs. internal), or of the hypervalent iodine compound used (diacetoxyiodobenzene vs. bistrifluoroacetoxyiodobenzene). Proper parameter selection allowst he direction of the cyclization to be chosent owards either ag lobal aminoacetoxylation, an allylic amination via aminopalladation, or an allylic amination via allylic C-H activation.Thel iterature devoted to the oxidative Pd(II)-catalyzed addition of nucleophilest oo lefins is very extensive andt he method allows the construction of an umber of synthetically useful compounds starting from simple unsaturated substrates. [1] Although different terminal oxidants have been used for this purpose, the attention was recently directed toward hypervalent iodine reagents. [2,3] In particular,P hI(O 2 CCH 3 ) 2 , alias PIDA, hasb een efficiently usedt op romote 1,2aminoacetoxylations of unsaturated amine derivatives. In this context, some of us recently described the intra-intermolecular conversion of glycine allylamides into acetoxymethyl-substituted piperazinones [Scheme 1, Eq. (1)]. [4] In this contribution, we show that slight modificationso ft he substrate and/or the oxidizing system can trigger alternative mechanisms [Scheme 1, Eqs. ( 2) and (3)].I nt he frame of our con-stant interest in the mechanismso fP d-catalyzed nucleophilic additionst oa lkenes, [5,6] we envisioned an extensiono ft he above initial studyt on itrogen-based substrates bearing terminal as wella si nternal unsaturations,a nd to the testing of newr eactionc onditions. Our new study started with N-tosylglycine N'-crotyl-N'-benzylamide 1b as the model substrate,u sing the reactionc onditions optimized in our previous study [Pd(OAc) 2 5mol%, PhI(O 2 CCH 3 ) 2 (2.0 equiv.), AcONa (1.0equiv.) and Bu 4 NHSO 4 (1.0 equiv.)].No reaction occurred when working with CH 2 Cl 2 as solvent,e ither at room temperature or at reflux. However, on changingt oD CE at reflux (conditions 1), we obtainedt he 5-vinylpiperazinone 3b in 50% yield (Scheme 2, andT able 1, entry 1), insteado ft he anticipated corresponding aminoacetoxylated product. [4] Performing the cyclization in MeCN at room Scheme1.Previous and present studies on Pd(II)-catalyzed cyclizations using PhI(O 2 CR) 2 .