Digital education is actually a product of recent years, although it existed before in various forms. Obviously, modern devices and means of transmitting infor-mation are necessary for its development. Modern “virtual lectures”, e-learning courses, online testing, educational resources portals, as well as digital school registers and educational process monitoring systems have become everyday real-ity. However, the digitalization of the educational system has both positive and negative side. The purpose of the article is to consider the impact of digital educa-tional technologies on learning, from a university teacher’s view point, and to consider their positive aspects and problems. The study was conducted at the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University) and University at the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of EurAsEC. The study in-volved 89 teachers who have teaching experience at the university (11.9% - 1-7 years, 28.1% - 8-10 years; 30.8% - 11-15 years; 29.2% - 16-25 years). The main results show that, respondents overly have a good opinion towards learning in virtual environments. The advantages of e-learning are complex for a particular measurement, but it has been found that some identifying variables as “age” shows statistically significant differences, while “gender” and “teaching experi-ence” are not important for evaluating the four provided variables. The study re-sults can be used to improve the perception of new educational technologies by teachers, to organize approaches for introducing innovative educational technolo-gies that expand the possibilities of progressive education on the part of admin-istrations of higher educational institutions and educational departments.