The use of robotics vehicles in the education of children and teenagers constitutes a modern tendency of great interest in Cuba, due to the quantity of knowledge that provides and the variety of disciplines that it integrates. The present work has as objective to evaluate the use of a teleoperated and robotic vehicle based on Arduino, in the education of children and adolescents from Cuba. It includes the study of the state of the art about educational robotics in the world and in Cuba, who allows to define the main educational activities permitted by robots and the parameters to evaluate in the vehicle of analysis. Afterwards, it carries out a description of the technical specifications of the device, which influences in the benefits obtained by the use of the vehicle. Finally, it carries out the evaluation taking into account the defined parameters in the study of the state of the art. It obtains as conclusions that the use of the vehicle with educational purposes would be very fruitful, in spite of minimum limitations that do not put directly in risk the quality of educational activities.