High temperature gas reactor technology is achieving a renaissance around the world. This technology relies on high quality production and performance of coated particle fuel. Historically, the irradiation performance of TRISO-coated gas reactor particle fuel in Germany has been superior to that in the United States. German fuel generally displayed in-pile gas release values that were three orders of magnitude lower than U.S. fuel. Thus, we have critically examined the TRISO-coated fuel fabrication processes in the U.S. and Germany and the associated irradiation database with a goal of understanding why the German fuel behaves acceptably, why the U.S. fuel has not faired as well, and what process/ production parameters impart the reliable performance to this fuel form. The postirradiation examination results are also reviewed to identify failure mechanisms that may be the cause of the poorer U.S. irradiation performance.This comparison will help determine the roles that particle fuel process/product attributes and irradiation conditions (burnup, fast neutron fluence, temperature, and degree of acceleration) have on the behavior of the fuel during irradiation and provide a more quantitative linkage between acceptable processing parameters, as-fabricated fuel properties and subsequent in-reactor performance.
FabricationA review of the fabrication processes used in Germany and the U.S. to make coated particle fuel indicates that the scale of fuel fabrication and development efforts in the last 25 years were quite different. German fabrication of modern TRISO-coated fuel was industrial/production scale incorporating improvements from fuel produced for the German AVR and THTR reactors. Strict process control was used to adhere to a process specification that produced high quality fuel.Only ~ 100 defects were found in 3.3 million particles produced. By contrast, the U.S. program post Fort St. Vrain was a mixture of lab scale and larger scale fabrication with some fuel fabrication done by GA and some done by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Furthermore, different fuel and coating types, different fabrication process parameters, and different coaters and compact fabrication techniques were used in an attempt to produce high quality fuel. The result was an initial defect level in U.S. fuel that varied greatly and was much greater than those produced in Germany. Table E-1 compares each of the steps in the fabrication of German and U.S. TRISO-coated fuel. The U.S. entries are based on the fabrication of fuel for the New Production Reactor (NPR) program in the early 1990s. It is important to note that many of the iv steps used to make this fuel were unique to the program and are not considered part of the traditional U.S. fabrication effort. Nevertheless, the NPR experience was used in this report primarily because it was the last manufacturing campaign in the U.S. and represents the most complete manufacturing pedigree and testing campaign of modern U.S. TRISO fuel, albeit HEU, aimed at commercial scale deployment. Furthermo...