We demonstrate an optofluidic evanescent laser based on a solid circular distributed feedback grating with the dye solution acting as the cladding layer. The laser mode is confined within the grating and experiences optical gain via the interaction between its evanescent component with the dye solution. Above a pump energy of 9.5 J / pulse, the laser exhibited single mode operation at 571 nm. Stable, narrow-linewidth emission was observed for a wide range of fluid refractive indices, even for those lower than of polydimethylsiloxane. We attribute this property to the evanescent coupling of the laser mode with the fluidic gain. 8 In all aforementioned structures, the guided mode is confined inside the fluid gain medium and thus the refractive index of the solution determines the emission wavelength. Although this enables the tuning of the lasing wavelength by fluidic mixing, in practice stable and single mode operation require high control of the refractive index of the fluid and moderate flow rates across the waveguides. In addition, due to the relatively high index of polydimethylsiloxane ͑PDMS͒ ͑n PDMS = 1.4218͒, several buffers cannot be directly employed for waveguiding in PDMS based optofluidic lasers.To overcome this, evanescent field dye lasers have been proposed in the past.9,10 In these lasers, the liquid gain medium surrounds a solid waveguide and is optically excited. The excited chromophores in the near-field of the waveguide are evanescently coupled to the laser mode providing the optical gain. To date, several evanescent optofluidic dye lasers have been demonstrated, primarily based on whispering gallery mode resonators such as infilled silica capillaries or fibers embedded in dye solutions.11-13 These structures are usually characterized by multimode emission spectra. More recently, evanescent lasers operating in the telecommunication wavelength range have found applications in the field of silicon photonics.14 In this letter, we demonstrate an optofluidic evanescent dye laser, exhibiting single mode operation. It comprises of a solid second order circular distributed feedback ͑DFB͒ grating and a PDMS chamber filled with dye solution. The thin layer of the solution serves as the cladding and covers the entire surface of the solid DFB cavity. Due to the high modal confinement in the solid core, the mode selection and lasing wavelength are primarily determined by the solid DFB cavity. In comparison to liquid core dye lasers, 7 stable and single mode operation can be achieved for a wide range of refractive indices of the dye solution.In Fig. 1, a cross-sectional schematic of the circular DFB resonator is illustrated. It is made of the negative photoresist SU-8 ͑refractive index n SU-8 = 1.59͒ patterned on top of silicon dioxide layer ͑n SiO 2 = 1.46͒ on a silicon substrate. The PDMS ͑n PDMS = 1.4128͒ forms a microfluidic chamber which envelops the entire surface of the solid DFB cavity. By infilling the dye solution into the PDMS chamber, a thin layer of liquid gain medium is formed on top of the gra...