“…It basically covers the following 8 steps, for a design year, and for a given ferry route or a set of routes: (a) using the forecasting method in order to calculate the average O-D demand for peak, off-peak and daily periods; (b) using a given minimum ferry frequency and desired occupancies (passenger load) for peak and off-peak period, in order to calculate the peak and off-peak frequencies (Ceder, 1984); (c) calculation of WT for peak, offpeak and daily periods (Marguier and Ceder, 1984); (d) calculation of ES for peak, off-peak and daily periods (Ceder, 2001a(Ceder, , 2003; (e) using the travel time information of the ferry, best PT competitors, and ferry + bus for certain O-D, in order to calculate PH and DPH for peak, off-peak and daily periods (Ceder, 2001a(Ceder, , 2003); (f) using the information of ferry travel times, in order to determine the required fleet size especially for peak period, but also for off-peak period, for estimating the number of crew required (Ceder, 2001a(Ceder, , 2003; (g) to evaluate the cost of a 1 WT, a 2 ES, D, Z 1 and Z 2 based on the cost estimates of a i , I=1, 2, 3, 4, 5; (h) using the components of Z 1 and Z 2 to compare different alternative ferry routes, if any, or individual routes and to use these measures for establishing recommendations.…”