134 6 An Economic Approach for Domino Effect Management where L k,n,sup represents the supply chain loss of installation n caused by attack k, L k,n,dam denotes the damage loss of installation n caused by attack k, L k,n,leg represents the legal loss of installation n caused by attack k, L k,n,ins denotes the insurance loss of installation n caused by attack k, L k,n,hum denotes the human loss of installation n caused by attack k, L k,n,env represents the environmental loss of installation n caused by attack k, L k,n,per represents the personnel loss of installation n caused by attack k, L k,n,med represents the medical loss of installation n caused by attack k, L k,n,int denotes the intervention loss of installation n caused by attack k, L k,n,rep denotes the reputation loss of installation n caused by attack k, L k,n,inv denotes the accident investigation and the cleanup loss of installation n caused by attack k, L k,n,oth represents other losses of installation n caused by attack k. L u,n,sup represents the supply chain loss of installation n caused by accident scenario u, L u,n,dam denotes the damage loss of installation n caused by accident scenario u, L u,n,leg represents the legal loss of installation n caused by accident scenario u, L u,n,ins denotes the insurance loss of installation n caused by accident scenario u, L u,n,hum denotes the human loss of installation n caused by accident scenario u, L u,n,env represents the environmental loss of installation n caused by accident scenario u, L u,n,per represents the personnel loss of installation n caused by accident scenario u, L u,n,med represents the medical loss of installation n caused by accident scenario u, L u,n,int denotes the intervention loss of installation n caused by accident scenario u, L u,n,rep denotes the reputation loss of installation n caused by accident scenario u, L u,n,inv denotes the accident investigation and the cleanup loss of installation n caused by accident scenario u, L u,n,oth represents other losses of installation n caused by accident scenario u.