RezumatDate generale: Leziunile de volet costal (FCI) sunt unele dintre cele mai grave leziuni toracice. Mai mult decât atât, o fractură de stern suplimentară (SF) chiar agravează rezultatele, cum ar fi durata ventilaţiei mecanice, prin urmare o fixare chirurgicală a fracturilor poate fi luată în considerare în anumite cazuri pentru a grăbi deconectarea ventilatorului. Această lucrare urmăreşte să sublinieze managementul diferitelor tipuri de SF în FCI. Metode: Toate cazurile tratate chirurgical (2012)(2013)(2014)(2015)(2016)
Original ArticleCuvinte cheie: volet costal, fractură de stern, fractură sternală, fractură costală, osteosinteză cu placă blocată, Matrix Rib Abstract Background: Flail Chest Injuries (FCI) are one of the most severe thoracic injuries. Moreover, an additional sternal fracture (SF) even worsens the outcome, such as the duration of mechanical ventilation, therefore an surgical fixation of the fractures could be considered in certain cases to improve the weaning from the ventilator. This paper aims to emphasize on the management of different types of SF in FCI. Methods: All surgically treated cases (2012)(2013)(2014)(2015)(2016) that showed the combination of FCI and SF have been evaluated for their clinical details, the morphology of the fractures and the technical aspects of the surgical procedure in a retrospective investigation.Results: All of the SF (n=15) had been fixed by locked plate osteosynthesis through a median approach in a supine position. Three main regions of the sternum showed the need for different fixation strategies: the upper manubrium, central and lower corpus sterni. Concomitant rib fractures were addressed either through the same approach or through additional limited incisions. Conclusions: Combinations of SF and FCI are high risc injuries with high demand on surgical skills. They can be properly fixed with a locking plate osteosynthesis through a combination of limited incisions employing different types of plates depending on the type of SF.