We show a norm convergence result for the Laplacian on a class of pcf self-similar fractals with arbitrary Borel regular probability measure which can be approximated by a sequence of finite-dimensional weighted graph Laplacians.As a consequence other functions of the Laplacians (heat operator, spectral projections etc.) converge as well in operator norm. One also deduces convergence of the spectrum and the eigenfunctions in energy norm.Our analysis works for a class of pcf self-similar sets (see Definition 3.1) which we call here fractals approximable by finite weighted graphs (see Definition 3.4). For such a fractal K there is a sequence (G m ) m∈N 0 of nested graphs G m = (V m , E m ) (i.e., V m ⊂ V m+1 ⊂ K) and conductances (i.e., edge weights) c e,m > 0 of the edges e ∈ E m , such that V * = m V m is dense in K, (see e.g. Figure 1 for the pentagasket with all five fixed points as boundary vertices) together with a compatible and self-similar sequence of graph energies (E m ) m (see Definitions 3.2 and 3.3) given byThe compatibility roughly means that E m (ϕ) agrees with the energy of E m+1 (h) where h : V m+1 −→ C is the harmonic extension of ϕ : V m −→ C. The harmonic extension h has the property that it minimises the energy E m (u) among all extensions u : V m+1 −→ C with u Vm = ϕ, see (3.2).