The discussion in a previous paper on reducing the phase space of the first-order Einstein gravity in 2+ 1 dimensions is refined. We provide a prescription to construct a "correct" physical phase space in the case of a positive cosmological constant. A parametrization which unifies the two sectors of the physical phase space is also given. Unlike the cases of a nonpositive cosmological constant, the unified phase space turns out to be Hausdorff type when the cosmological constant is positive.PACS number(s): 04.60.K~In the previous paper [I] we have seen that, in (24-1)gravity on R X T~, the two sectors of the phase space of Witten's Chern-Simons formulation [Chern-Simons gravity (CSG)] are related to the spaces of solutions of the equations of motion in the Arnowitt-Deser-Misner (ADM) formalism when the cosmological constant A is positive. We have used, however, a few manipulations which are~athematically incorrect. Using the universal covering SO(3,l) is one of such manipulations. Since SL(2,C) is homeomorphic to R3 xS3 which is simply connected,' it is the universal covering of S0(3,1), wkich is the identity component of SO(3,l). The use of SO( 3 , l ) therefore does not allow us to distinguish the 457