We work out the interplay between lowest-order perturbative computations in the 't Hooft coupling, g 2 = g 2 Y M N, operator mixing, renormalization-group (RG) improved ultraviolet (UV) asymptotics of leading-order (LO) nonplanar/planar contributions to 2-point correlators, and nonperturbative large-N expansion of perturbatively massless QCD-like theories. As concrete examples, we compute to the lowest perturbative order in SU(N) YM theory the ratios, r i , of LO-nonplanar to planar contributions to the 2-point correlators in the orthogonal basis in the coordinate representation of the gauge-invariant dimension-8 scalar operators and all the twist-2 operators. The very definition of r i depends on the existence of the aforementioned basis, in such a way that its meaning is apparently limited to the lowest perturbative order only. Yet, we demonstrate that -if γ 0 β 0 has no LO-nonplanar contribution, with γ 0 and β 0 the one-loop coefficients of the anomalous-dimension matrix and beta function respectivelyr i actually coincides with the corresponding ratio in the large-N expansion of the RG-improved UV asymptotics of the 2-point correlators, provided that a certain canonical nonresonant diagonal renormalization scheme exists for the corresponding operators. Contrary to the aforementioned scalar operators, for the first 10 3 twist-2 operators we actually verify the above conditions, and we get the universal value r i = r twist−2 = − 1 N 2 . Hence, nonperturbatively such r i must coincide with the UV asymptotics of the ratio of the glueball self-energy loop to the glueball tree contribution to the 2-point correlators above. As a consequence, the universality of r twist−2 reflects the universality of the effective coupling in the nonperturbative large-N YM theory for the twist-2 operators in the coordinate representation.