Abstract. To every convex body K ⊆ R d , one may associate a minimal matrix convex set W min (K), and a maximal matrix convex set W max (K), which have K as their ground level. The main question treated in this paper is: under what conditions on a given pair of convex bodies This constant is sharp, and it is new for all p = 2. Moreover, for some sets K we find a minimal set L for whichIn particular, we obtain that a convex body K satisfies W max (K) = W min (K) if and only if K is a simplex. These problems relate to dilation theory, convex geometry, operator systems, and completely positive maps. We discuss and exploit these connections as well. For example, our results show that every d-tuple of self-adjoint operators of norm less than or equal to 1, can be dilated to a commuting family of self-adjoints, each of norm at most √ d. We also introduce new explicit constructions of these (and other) dilations.