We prove that, for operator spaces V and W , the operator space V * * ⊗ h W * * can be completely isometrically embedded into (V ⊗ h W ) * * , ⊗ h being the Haagerup tensor product. We also show that, for exact operator spaces V and W , a jointly completely bounded bilinear form on V × W can be extended uniquely to a separately w * -continuous jointly completely bounded bilinear form on V * * ×W * * . This paves the way to obtaining a canonical embedding of V * * ⊗ W * * into (V ⊗ W ) * * with a continuous inverse, where ⊗ is the operator space projective tensor product. Further, for C * -algebras A and B, we study the (closed) ideal structure of A ⊗ B, which, in particular, determines the lattice of closed ideals of B(H) ⊗ B(H) completely.