In this paper we construct vector-valued multi operator-stable random measures that behave locally like operator-stable random measures. The space of integrable functions is characterized in terms of a certain quasi-norm. Moreover, a multi operatorstable moving-average representation of a random field is presented which behaves locally like an operator-stable random field which is also operator-self-similar. 1 λ(s) := λ B(s) as well as Λ(s) := Λ B(s) and assume thatHence with a := inf s∈S Λ(s) −1 and b := sup s∈S λ(s) −1 we have for any s ∈ S thatRemark 2.1. Fix s ∈ S and assume that B(s) = diag(b 1 (s), ..., b m (s)) is diagonal. Then we get that r B(s) = diag(r b 1 (s) , ..., r bm(s) ) and the mapping (0, ∞) ∋ r → r B(s) x is strictly increasing for every x = 0. On the other hand, if B(s) is merely symmetric, there exists an orthogonal matrix O(s) ∈ GL(R m ) such that r B(s) = O(s)r D(s) O(s) * for some diagonal matrix D(s) with spec(D(s)) = spec(B(s)), see Proposition 2.2.2 in [14]. Hence the previous observation remains true, since x = 0. Overall and according to Lemma 6.1.5 in [14] this allows us to assume that · B(s) = · and that S B(s) = S m−1 = {x ∈ R m : x = 1} for any s ∈ S. Moreover, let σ be a finite and symmetric measure on (S m−1 , B(S m−1 )), where B(S m−1 ) denotes the corresponding collection of Borel sets. Then for every s ∈ S the mapping (2.2) ϕ(s, C) := ∞ 0 S m−1