(2012) -Prob a ble root struc tures and as so ci ated trace fos sils from the Lower Pleis to cene calcarenites of the Favignana Is land, south ern It aly: di lem mas of in ter pre ta tion. Geol. Quart., 56 (4): 745-756, doi: 10.7306/gq.1052 Two types of large, branched struc tures from the Lower Pleis to cene (Calabrian) high-en ergy calcarenites of Favignana Is land are described: Faviradixus robustus gen. et sp. nov. and Egadiradixus rectibrachiatus gen. et sp. nov. They may be in ter preted as root structures of large plants, i.e., trees and trees or shrubs, re spec tively. The for mer taxon co-oc curs with the ma rine an i mal trace fos sils Ophiomorpha nodosa, Ophiomorpha isp., Thalassinoides isp. and Beaconites isp. The in ter pre ta tion as root struc tures al though ten ta tive is prob a ble and can be re lated to short emer gence ep i sodes for the for ma tion of E. rectibrachiatus or to lon ger emer gence, re spon si ble for the dis con ti nu ity at the base of the over ly ing Tyrrhenian de pos its, for F. robustus. Cal ci fied root mats of smaller plants as so ci ated with the Tyrrhenian or youn ger emer gence sur faces are com mon.
Al fred Uchman and Andrzej Ślączka, In sti tute of Geo log i cal Sci ences, Jagiellonian Uni ver sity,