DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.563409
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Opioid Addiction/Pregnancy and Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS): A Preliminary Open-Label Study of Buprenorphine Maintenance and Drug Use Targeted Psychotherapy (DUST) on Cessation of Addictive Drug Use

Abstract: Background Neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) is common, expensive, and hurts opioid addicted women and their families. Current treatments do not sufficiently address comorbid addictions, especially tobacco use, among pregnant buprenorphine-maintained women. Methods 25 consecutive admissions of pregnant, opioid addicted women were treated with buprenorphine maintenance and a novel intervention for pregnant opioid addicted patients, Drug Use Targeted Therapy (DUST). DUST… Show more

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Cited by 7 publications
(15 citation statements)
References 18 publications
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“…An overall sample of 18,681 women with ( n = 2650) and without ( n = 16,031) psychiatric vulnerability were included. Seven categories of psychiatric disorders are represented in this review: eating disorders [ 32 , 42 ], mood disorders (depression or bipolar disorder) [ 33 , 38 , 44 , 47 , 49 ], anxiety disorders [ 44 , 47 , 49 ], trauma-related disorders [ 44 , 49 ], psychosis and related disorders [ 33 , 35 ], substance use disorders [ 40 , 46 , 49 ], and conduct disorders [ 43 ]. Two studies reported on abortion as an outcome of UPs [ 35 , 43 ] and the other nine studies on (live) births.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…An overall sample of 18,681 women with ( n = 2650) and without ( n = 16,031) psychiatric vulnerability were included. Seven categories of psychiatric disorders are represented in this review: eating disorders [ 32 , 42 ], mood disorders (depression or bipolar disorder) [ 33 , 38 , 44 , 47 , 49 ], anxiety disorders [ 44 , 47 , 49 ], trauma-related disorders [ 44 , 49 ], psychosis and related disorders [ 33 , 35 ], substance use disorders [ 40 , 46 , 49 ], and conduct disorders [ 43 ]. Two studies reported on abortion as an outcome of UPs [ 35 , 43 ] and the other nine studies on (live) births.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Some of the included studies inquired for pregnancy intention during pregnancy, however these studies varied in timing of assessment [ 32 , 40 , 44 , 47 ]. Other studies did not report in which trimester women were asked about pregnancy intention [ 33 , 42 , 46 , 49 ]. One prospective cohort study assessed pregnancy intention prior to conception and evaluated the number of positive pregnancy tests over the course of one year [ 38 ].…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…In fact, we have been able to craft a neuropsychoanalytically informed version of contingency management for buprenorphine-maintained pregnant women where the reward for being off other addictive drugs is to disengage from psychotherapy. This approach both eliminates the need to treat neonatal abstinence syndrome (Tabi et al, 2020 ) and confirms that human contact hurts buprenorphine-maintained pregnant women.…”
Section: Neuropsychoanalytic Understanding Of Relatedness and Of Addictionmentioning
confidence: 57%
“…Reported 5-HT release in the nucleus accumbens Broderick et al, 1993;Parsons and Justice, 1993;Teneud et al, 1996Alcohol Yoshimoto et al, 1992 Nicotine Ma et al, 2005Amphetamine Hernandez et al, 1987Kankaanpää et al, 1998MDMA Kankaanpää et al, 1998Trigo et al, 2007;Baumann et al, 2008 Morphine and heroin Tao and Auerbach, 1995;Solms and Turnbull, 2002/18;Fadda et al, 2005;Stein et al, 2007;Watt and Panksepp, 2009;Thiruchsevam et al, 2017;Tabi et al, 2020 the requirement that all patients seeking MAT for OUD must participate in mandatory individual and/or group therapy.…”
Section: Addictive Drugmentioning
confidence: 99%