To investigate the subcellular organization of receptor-G protein signaling pathways, a robust dominant negative ␣ s mutant containing substitutions that alter distinct functions was produced and tested for its effects on G s -coupled receptor activity in HEK-293 cells. Mutations in the ␣35 loop region, which increase receptor affinity, decrease receptor-mediated activation, and impair activation of adenylyl cyclase, were combined with G226A, which increases affinity for ␥, and A366S, which decreases affinity for GDP. This triple ␣ s mutant can inhibit signaling to G s from the luteinizing hormone receptor by 97% and from the calcitonin receptor by 100%. In addition, this ␣ s mutant blocks all signaling from the calcitonin receptor to G q . These results lead to two conclusions about receptor-G protein signaling. First, individual receptors have access to multiple types of G proteins in HEK-293 cell membranes. Second, different G protein ␣ subunits can compete with each other for binding to the same receptor. This dominant negative ␣ s construct will be useful for determining interrelationships among distinct receptor-G protein interactions in a wide variety of cells and tissues.Stimulation of heterotrimeric G proteins by cell surface receptors activates signaling pathways that mediate specific responses to hormones and neurotransmitters. Cells express a wide variety of G protein-coupled receptors as well as numerous G protein ␣, , and ␥ subunits. Many receptors can activate more than one type of G protein, and the G protein subunits can interact with many different types of receptors. The manner in which signaling specificity is maintained in the midst of this vast range of potential interactions is not well understood. This report investigates the interdependence of distinct signaling pathways activated by receptors with broad G protein specificities using a receptor-sequestering dominant negative G protein ␣ subunit.Many potential mechanisms could establish that distinct receptor-G protein interactions will be independent of each other. Among these, one possibility is that specific receptor-G protein complexes localize to separate membrane compartments (1, 2). Differential associations with particular proteins or lipids (3, 4) or covalent modifications such as phosphorylation (5) may result in subpopulations of receptors and G proteins that have restricted access to each other. Although G proteins are often expressed at much higher levels than their receptors are (6), there is evidence that different receptors utilize separate pools of G proteins (7,8). An alternative potential mechanism for isolating distinct receptor-G protein interactions is that receptors utilize separate regions for binding different G proteins. If this is the case, then multiple types of receptor-G protein interaction can occur simultaneously without affecting each other. Localization of G protein-binding sites have indicated that separate receptor regions may specify interactions with distinct G proteins (9, 10). Dominant negative G...