INTRODUCTION: The contemporary business world is witnessing a proliferation of startups, each striving to carve its niche amidst fierce competition and rapid technological advancements. In this landscape, the ability to innovate and adapt swiftly is paramount for startup survival and growth. This introductory section sets the stage by highlighting the importance of innovation in today's entrepreneurial endeavors.
OBJECTIVES: This paper aims to examine the current trends driving startup innovation and explore innovative tactics employed by startups.
METHODS: To fulfill the objectives of this study, a comprehensive research methodology was employed. Leveraging techniques derived from social network analysis, qualitative interviews, and extensive literature review, this research endeavors to provide a holistic understanding of the dynamics of startup innovation. By employing a multidisciplinary approach, this study aims to capture the nuanced interplay of factors influencing innovation in the startup ecosystem.
RESULTS: Key findings include the prominence of sustainability, remote work integration, and the pivotal role of AI and machine learning in startup strategies.
CONCLUSION: This paper concludes by consolidating insights and offering guidance for navigating the dynamic terrain of startup innovation.