I consider my experience at Moss Landing Marine Labs a memorable adventure, and this thesis a cherished accomplishment. This work was made possible by the guidance, support, and comedic relief of many individuals. With immense gratitude, I would like to thank my advisor and friend, Dr. Jim Harvey. Jim, you provided for me the opportunity to pursue the work I love, challenged my academic abilities, sharpened my analytical skills, and shared valuable perspective on life outside MLML. Your wit and humor kept me entertained and calm in the lab and field. It was greatly appreciated. Admittedly, I was amazed and envious that you had energy to spare after we spent hours working up dozens of seals on a "good" Tomales day. I also would like to thank my committee members, Drs. Frances Gulland and Mike Graham. Frances, you have been an incredible mentor. I am deeply appreciative of your support and encouragement. Thank you for fostering my excitement for this project, entertaining my many tangents, and for being a humble, fun, and brilliant role model. Mike, you lit the spark within me that has forever changed the way I view nature and science. Your enthusiasm for the natural world is radiant, and infectious. Naturally, I am susceptible! Thank you, because that energy stuck with me and was essential for completing this work. Special thanks to Liz McHuron, Denise Greig, and Jenny Carlson for their unconditional support, encouragement, and constructive criticism throughout this work.