The latency of a prosaccade is increased when completed following an antisaccade (the prior-antisaccade effect). This finding has been attributed to the inhibition of the oculomotor networks necessary for an antisaccade engendering a persistent response set that delays a to-be-executed prosaccade. The goal of the present investigation was to determine whether the prior-antisaccade effect influences not only the planning but also the control of an unfolding prosaccade trajectory. To accomplish that objective, we employed a task-switching paradigm wherein participants alternated between pro- and antisaccades on every second trial (i.e., AABB paradigm). Importantly, trajectory control was evaluated by computing the proportion of variance (R2 values) explained by the spatial position of the eye at decile increments of movement time relative to the response's ultimate movement endpoint: small R2 values indicate a response that unfolds with error-reducing trajectory amendments (i.e., online control), whereas larger R2 values reflect a response that unfolds with few-if any-online corrections. As expected, results showed a prior-antisaccade effect for response planning; that is, prosaccade latencies were increased when completed after an antisaccade. Moreover, prosaccades completed after an antisaccade elicited larger R2 values and less accurate endpoints than trials wherein a prosaccade was completed after another prosaccade. These results provide first evidence of a prior-antisaccade effect for trajectory control and indicate that the persistent and inhibitory response set arising from an antisaccade diminishes the online corrections, and thus endpoint accuracy, of a subsequent prosaccade.