DESCRIPTIONA 2-year-old boy presented with left divergent squint, microphthalmos and microcornea (figure 1). He was born preterm at 32 weeks with birth weight of 1750 g. There was a few days' history of neonatal intensive care unit stay after birth, with no notable systemic complications. Fundus examination using a RetCam revealed an aplastic disc with absence of retina and retinal vasculature, and prominence of choroidal vasculature (figure 2). The right eye was normal.A paediatric work up revealed no other systemic abnormality. A complete immunoassay by TORCH test revealed raised titres of cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgG at 145.10 IU/mL ( positive >30 IU/mL), though the CMV IgM levels were normal and urine PCR for CMV antigen was negative. MRI of the head and orbits revealed that the left optic nerve was not visualised from the back of the eyeball to the optic chiasma, while the right optic nerve was normal in its entire course (figure 3). It was explained to the parents that the left eye had no potential for vision.Optic nerve aplasia is a rare congenital malformation consisting of complete absence of the optic