Septooptic dysplasia (de Morsier syndrome} is a clinical and anatomical complex consisting of agenesis of the septum pellucidum, defonnity of the lateral and third ventricles, optic disc hr poplasia with visual impairment, and hormonal deficiencies due to h ypothalamic and pituitary maldevelopment. Ventricular enlargement, agenesi s of the corpus callosum, cleft palate, and harelip are other occasional presentations of this def(mnity of midline structures. \ Ve present the characteristic ultrasound features which, to our knowledge, have not been previously reported.
REPORT OF A CASEThe patient was horn at 38 weeks' •t•station f(,lJowin ,:; an uneventful pregnancy. However, an antenatal ultmsound examination had shown "hydrocephalus.·· The Apf.{nr st·orcs were 7 and 8 at one and live minutes , respectively. The fig. l C).The hydrocephalus was felt to he progre~sive on dink-a! grounds and a ventriculoperitoneal shunt was put in place at 1 week of age .Growth and development was normal with no evidence of endocrinopathy until the age of 2 years. The patient then presented with minimal hreast de,•elopment. The f(,llidc stimulating hormone (FSH) level was 7. 7 ml U/ml (normal = <5.0 ml U/ml), luteinizing hormone {LH ) was <3.5 ml U/ ml (normal · "" <5 .0 ml U/ml) , estradiol was 33 pg/ml (normal = <20 pg/ml), and dihydroepinndrosterone sulfitic (D H EAS) was 7 IJ.g/ml (normal = 2-10 J.Lg/ml). The cause of this precocious puberty is not clear.