The Hartree-Fock paradigm of bilayer quantum Hall states with finite tunneling at filling factor ν=1 has full pseudospin ferromagnetic order with all the electrons in the lowest symmetric Landau level. Inelastic light scattering measurements of low energy spin excitations reveal major departures from the paradigm at relatively large tunneling gaps. The results indicate the emergence of a novel correlated quantum Hall state at ν=1 characterized by reduced pseudospin order. Marked anomalies occur in spin excitations when pseudospin polarization collapses by application of in-plane magnetic fields.PACS numbers: 73.43. Nq, 71.35.Lk, 73.43.Lp Electron bilayers in semiconductor quantum structures embedded in a quantizing perpendicular magnetic field (B ⊥ ) are contemporary realizations of collective systems where bizarre quantum phases may appear [1,2,3,4]. In particular, at Landau level filling factor ν=1 they may support excitonic-superfluidity when there is no tunneling between the layers [4,5,6]. These phases are driven by unique interplays between intra-and interlayer Coulomb interactions and have been the subject of large research efforts in last years [7,8,9,10,11,12]. The bilayer system is also characterized by the 'bare', or Hartree, tunneling gap ∆ SAS that represents the splitting between the symmetric and anti-symmetric linear combinations of the lowest quantum well levels, as shown in Fig. 1a. The ground state in the presence of tunneling displays the well known manifestations of the incompressible quantum Hall (QH) fluid (dissipationless longitudinal transport and quantized Hall resistance). Interactions however create intriguing behaviors such as the disappearance at ν=1 of QH signatures when d/l B (d is the inter-well distance and l B the magnetic length) is increased above a critical value [13,14].The states of electron bilayers are efficiently described by introducing a pseudospin operator τ [4]. Electrons in the left quantum well have pseudospin along the +z direction normal to the plane, and those in the right well have pseudospin along −z. The symmetric (antisymmetric) states have pseudospin aligned along the +x (−x) direction. The mean field Hartree-Fock configuration of QH incompressible states with only the lowest symmetric level populated is shown in Fig. 1a. This state has full pseudospin polarization (all pseudospins along the x-direction) with an order parameter given by the average value of the normalized pseudospin polarization τ x =1.Here we report direct evidence that the pseudospin order of the Hartree-Fock paradigm is lost. We show that the unexpected QH states with reduced pseudospin polarization are probed by inelastic light scattering measurements of low-lying spin excitations. One of the excitations is the long wavelength (q → 0) spin-flip (SF) mode that is built with transitions across ∆ SAS with simultaneous change in spin orientation. The other is the long wavelength spin-wave (SW) excitation built from transitions across the Zeeman gap E Z of the lowest spin-split symmetric...