We investigate the propagation and scattering of polaritons in a planar GaAs microcavity in the linear regime under resonant excitation. The propagation of the coherent polariton wave across an extended defect creates phase and intensity patterns with identical qualitative features previously attributed to dark and half-dark solitons of polaritons. We demonstrate that these features are observed for negligible nonlinearity (i.e., polariton-polariton interaction) and are, therefore, not sufficient to identify dark and half-dark solitons. A linear model based on the Maxwell equations is shown to reproduce the experimental observations.
PACS numbers:Solitons are solitary waves that preserve their shape while propagating through a dispersive medium [1,2] due to the compensation of the dispersion-induced broadening by the nonlinearity of the medium [3]. Over the years, spatial solitons have been observed by employing a variety of nonlinearities ranging from Kerr nonlinear media [4] to photorefractive [5] and quadratic [6] materials. Apart from their potential application in optical communications [7,8], solitons are important features of interacting Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) and superfluids. The nonlinear properties of BECs can give rise to the formation of quantized interacting vortices and solitons, the latter resulting from the cancellation of the dispersion by interactions, for example, in atomic condensates. A special class of solitons is the so-called dark soliton, which feature a density node accompanied by a π phase jump. Since the first theoretical prediction in the context of BECs [9], dark solitons were studied and observed first in the field of nonlinear optics [10] and, then, in cold-atom BECs [11]. The experimental observation of BECs [12] and superfluidity [13,14] of exciton-polaritons, has sparked interest in the quantum-hydrodynamic properties of polariton fluids. In particular, the nucleation of solitary waves in the wake of an obstacle (i.e.