The paper deals with a 3D multi-parametric stress field representation ahead of notches in plates of finite thickness under different loading conditions. Under certain hypotheses, the 3D governing equations of elasticity can be reduced to a system where a bi-harmonic equation and a harmonic equation have to be simultaneously satisfied. The former provides the solution of the corresponding plane notch problem, and the latter provides the solution of the corresponding out-of-plane shear notch problem. The solution is valid close the notch edge, through the plate thickness, with exclusion of a very limited zone close to the free surface of the plates. Also, under elastic-plastic conditions there are circumstances where it is possible to separate the in-plane problem from the out-of-plane problem. A new analytical frame is proposed, and the results are compared with those obtained from 3D finite element models of a plate with a square notch. In the presence of remote applied tensile stress, the slope of the induced, out-of-plane, shear stress component matches that of the mode III plastic problem