SynopsisThe circular dichroism (CD) and absorption spectra of uridine, thymidine, purine ribonucleoside, and the four adenine derivat.ives 2'-deoxyadenosine, adenosine, adenosine-3',5'-cyclic phosphate, and arabinosyl adenine were measured in water at pH 7 and pH 2. The absorption and CD spectra of the pyrimidines were simultaneously fitted to four Gaussian bands, and the dipole and rotational strengths of the electronic transitions determined. Adenine-derivative CD spectra were determined by computer averaging six runs.The band at 226 nm probably is an n-r* transition; the band a t 209 nm cannot be detected without a computer. The CD and absorption spectra of purine ribonucleoside indicate three transitions in the 230-310-nm region.The spectra showed CD bands at 268, 226, 209, and 195 nm. The circular dichroism and absorption spectra of uridine, thymidine, purine ribonucleoside, and the four adenine derivatives 2'-deoxyadenosine, adenosine, adenosine-3'-5'-cyclic phosphate, and arabinosyl adenine were measured in water a t p H 7 and pH 2. The purpose is to identify the electronic transitions of the molecules. Such information is necessary both as a starting point for theoretical calculations of the optical properties of polymers' and to evaluate the results of theoretical electronic calculations on monomers. 2 , 3
MATERIALS AND METHODSThe compounds used in this study were purchased from P.L. Biochemicals, Nutritional Biochemicals, or from Cal-Bio-Chem. All materials were used straight from the bottle and dissolved in glass distilled water. Solutions at pH 2 were obtained by acidifying to 0.01 N HCI. Optical measurements were made using cells of 0.1-or 0.05-cm path length; absorption measurements were done with a Cary 14 or Cary 15 spectrophotometer. The circular dichroism of deoxyadenosine, arabinosyl adenine, adenosine 3'-5'-cyclic phosphate, and adenosine were measured with a 6001 CD attachment to a Cary 60 spectropolarimeter. Uridine, thymidine, purine ribonucleoside, and adenosine were measured with a 6003 attachment to a Cary 60. The spectropolarimeters were equipped with Osram suprasil lamps, whose strong far-uv output allowed measurements down to 185 nm with the short-path-length cells employed. The 555