We present the first results of our deep survey of lensing clusters aimed at constraining the abundance of star-forming galaxies at z ∼ 6−10, using lensing magnification to improve the search efficiency and subsequent spectroscopic studies. Deep near-IR photometry of two lensing clusters (A1835 and AC114) was obtained with ISAAC/VLT. These images, combined with existing data in the optical bands including HST images, were used to select very high redshift candidates at z > ∼ 6 among the optical-dropouts. Photometric selection criteria have been defined based on the well-proven dropout technique, specifically tuned to target star-forming galaxies in this redshift domain. We have identified 18(8) first and second-category optical dropouts in A1835 (AC114), detected in more than one filter up to H (Vega) ∼ 23.8 (AB ∼ 25.2, uncorrected for lensing). Among them, 8(5) exhibit homogeneous SEDs compatible with star-forming galaxies at z > ∼ 6, and 5(1) are more likely intermediate-redshift EROs based on luminosity considerations. We have also identified a number of fainter sources in these fields fulfilling our photometric selection and located around the critical lines. We use all these data to make a first attempt at constraining the density of star-forming galaxies present at 6 < ∼ z < ∼ 10 using lensing clusters. Magnification effects and sample incompleteness are addressed through a careful modeling of the lensing clusters. A correction was also introduced to account for the expected fraction of false-positive detections among this photometric sample. It appears that the number of candidates found in these lensing fields, corrected for magnification, incompleteness and false-positive detections, is higher than the one achieved in blank fields with similar photometric depth in the near-IR. The luminosity function derived for z > ∼ 6 candidates appears compatible with that of LBGs at z 3, without any renormalization. The turnover observed by Bouwens et al. (2005) towards the bright end relative to the z ∼ 3 LF is not observed in this sample. Also the upper limit for the UV SFR density at z ∼ 6−10, integrated down to L 1500 = 0.3 L * z=3 , of ρ = 7.4 × 10 −2 M yr −1 Mpc −3 is compatible with the usual values derived at z 5−6, but higher than the estimates obtained in the NICMOS Ultra Deep Field (UDF). The same holds for the upper limit of the SFR density in the z 8−10 interval (ρ = 1.1 × 10 −1 ). This systematic trend towards the bright end of the LF with respect to blank fields could be due to field-to-field variance, a positive magnification bias from intermediate-redshift EROs, and/or residual contamination. Given the low S/N ratio of the high-z candidates, and the large correction factors applied to this sample, increasing the number of blank and lensing fields with ultra-deep near-IR photometry is essential to obtain more accurate constraints on the abundance of z > ∼ 6 galaxies.