IatroducticnlThe study of the properties of molecular impurities in different crystalline matrices has acquired specialinterest becausetheabovestudy givesinformation abouttheorientationofthe vation of forbidden modes in Raman or IR rncBsWements and splitting of degenerate modes due to lowering of symmetry. It is known (VANOTIT, MORTEN; HOLZER et al.) that the homonuclear diatomic molecule $ -occupies a single halogen vacancy in alkalihalide lattices and has only one vibrational frequency which is Raman active and IR inactive. The above impumolecule, changes in vibrational tkquencies from those characterizing a free ion, actirity is paramagnetic and has c h t e r i s t i c absorption and emission bands @om; IKBZAWA, Rom). In the process of doping a crystal with S ; , one cannot avoid the presence of &-ions also. &-is a bent triatomic molecule and has three vibrational frequencies. It occupies a trivacancy (SWALSKI, S~E L ) (one cation, two anions) in the crystal lattice. Several studies on alkali halides doped with sulphur molecular centres have shown simultaneous existence of both these impurities. While a good deal of work (VANOTTI, MORTW; SWALSKI, SEIDEL) has been done on negative molecular centers such as O; , S ; and !k$-embedded in fcc crystalline matrices such as NaI, KI etc., little work has been reported on the behaviour of such centres in cesium halides. H e n c e in the present study, optical and infrared absorption studies on cesium bromide doped with 5&-and S ; ions have been carried out.
ExperimentalSingle crystals doped with S ; and S; molecular ions were obtained by heating the crystal in the presence of sulphur vapour. Cesium bromide crystals Were grown by Bridgmao technique. Small crystals (typically 5 x 2 x 10 mm3) were placed in quartz tubes, with small amount of sulphur which were sealed off after evacuation. The above system was heated in a furnace for I20 hours at a temperature of 600 "C.Curve 1 of Figure 1 shows the optical absorption spectrum of CsBr doped with sulphur at room temperature. There are two well defined bands around 6050 A and 4OOO A. The IR absorption spectrum of the crystal shows a line ai 580 cm-'. When the crystal is subjected to W irradiation, the band at 6050 A vanishes and the IR line at 580 cm-' also vanishes. This shows that the band at 4ooo A is due to one origin and the band at 6050 A with IR line at 580 an-' is due to another origin. It is kwwn (HOLZER et al.) that S ; ion has a simple Raman active vibrational frequency at 594 cm-', while S ; ion has noncoincident Raman and IR active modes at 546 cm-' and 585 cm-'. Since %-ion species is symmetrical and diatomic, no infrared absorption band is observed. Hence, one can conclude from the above discussion that the species which disappears on UV irradiation is attributed to &-with a broad band at 6050 A and IR line at 580 cm-' and the absorption band at 4OOO A to