“…A custom-developed polychromatic AO system at the Visual Optics and Biophotonics Lab (Institute of Optics, Spanish National Research Council, IO-CSIC, Madrid, Spain) was used in this study to correct the subject's aberrations and to induce aberrations in on-bench control experiments. The system and all its channels have been described in detail in previous publications ( Vinas et al, 2015 ; Marcos et al, 2017 ; Vinas, Aissati, et al, 2019 ; Vinas, Benedi-Garcia, et al, 2019 ; Aissati et al, 2020 ; Marcos et al, 2020 ; Vinas et al, 2020 ). The main channels used in this study of the system are as follows: - The illumination channel, composed of a Supercontinuum Laser Source (SCLS, SC400 femtopower 1060 supercontinuum laser; Fianium Ltd, Southampton, United Kingdom, UK), in combination with an acusto-optic tunable filter (AOTF) module (FYLA LASER S.L, Valencia, Spain), which is controlled by radiofrequency drivers and selects the appropriate wavelength in visible light automatically (450–700 nm).