Among all sub-systems ofa solar thermal energy system, thereceiverplays a major role while getting the heat energy from the concentrator. The reliability of such systems depends on the amount of solar energy being collected by the receiver, which ismainlycharacterised by the optical parameters likefocal length, aperture diameter, surface absorptivity and slope error. In this paper,the optical analysis of a cylindricalhemispherical type receiver coupled with a3m diameter parabolic dish concentrator has been discussed. The studyhas been carried out using SolTracesoftware by varying the parameters likereceiver aperture diameter (D a ) ranging from 0.125 to 0.162 m, surface error of the concentrator from 1.7453 to 34.907mrad and also surface absorptivity (α) from 75% to 95%for different receiver distances(H) ranging from 1.7 to 1.95m. From the simulation results, it is observed that the optical e ciency is maximum when the receiver distance is 1.85m for receiver aperture diameter of 0.150 m for the given system. Increase in the slope errors from 1.7453 to 17.453 mrad decreases the average optical e ciency by almost 50% for all receiver diameters.It is alsonoticed that uniform heat ux distribution can be achieved when the position of the receiver is maintained at H = 1.85 m from the concentrator for the given receiver diameterand surface absorptivity of the receiver of 0.150 m and 95% respectively.The simulated results of heat ux intensity on the receiver surface are then compared and validated by the experimental results available in literature. The simulatedoptical e ciency of the presentreceiver is also found to be 8% higher when it is compared with a conventional cylindrical receiver having similardimensions. Highlights 1. The manuscript investigates the various performance parameters affecting the optical e ciency of a cylindrical-hemispehrical type receiver used in a solar thermal system having a parabolic dish concentrator, as there is very limited information available specially on this type of receiver in published literature.2. The present investigation is based on simulation study considering the present system and the obtained results are brie y highlighted belowa. The effect of receiver aperture diameter was investigated with varying receiver diatances from the concentrator and it was observed that the optical e ciency is maximum when the receiver is maintained at 1.85m for receiver aperture diameter of 0.150 m. b. It was observed that higher slope error of the concentrator deteriorates the optical e ciency. The simulated results show that the average decrease in the optical e ciencies is about 50% for increase in slope errors from 1.7453 to 17.453 mrad for all receiver diameters. c. The receiver absorptivity was also found to in uence the optical e ciency and it was seen that the receiver having 95% absorptivity has the optical e ciency is 62.31%.3. The simulated results of heat ux intensity on the receiver are compared and validated by the experimental results available in literature.Page 3/28 4. In thi...