The transport and optical properties of a dense silver plasma are calculated using our parallel GreeKuP code. The code uses the results of Vienna ab initio simulation package (VASP) as input information and is based upon the Kubo-Greenwood formula. The calculation is performed at the normal density 10.5 g/cm 3 and 3 kK ≤ T ≤ 20 kK. Under these conditions, the results are strongly influenced by the presence of the d-electrons in silver: the real part of dynamic electrical conductivity has a non-Drude shape, the temperature dependence of thermal conductivity is non-monotonic, and the Wiedemann-Franz law is violated.
KEYWORDSGreeKuP code, Kubo-Greenwood formula, quantum molecular dynamics, transport and optical properties 1 2
COMPUTATIONAL TECHNIQUEOnly some of the issues concerning the computation technique will be discussed here. For more detailed descriptions, one may refer to our earlier paper [23] and earlier works. [16,17] Contrib. Plasma Phys.