Electrical corona discharges at atmospheric pressure in a positive
point-to-plane configuration create an electric wind from the point to the
plane which, in a closed cylindrical vessel, generates in a few seconds
axisymmetrical vortices in the vessel. Photography and video recording show
that a small ring vortex appears around the discharge axis, close to the
plane, enlarges and progressively fills the vessel up to a stationary situation.
A simplified stationary model was first used in order to take into account the
measured values of the wind velocity along the discharge axis as well as the
velocity field lines visualized by smoke particles. Simulation and
experimental results are in fairly good agreement, and a few particular
adjustments concerning temperature profiles were made to improve the numerical
Then, a dynamical model, including the effect of the repetitive ionizing
fronts (streamers) occurring in the filamentary discharge, allows one to
render an account of the transient evolution of the velocity field lines
towards the stationary vortices. Although the numerical simulation could not
be continued to a steady state, it shows that a small ring vortex is created
near the point electrode, moves rapidly from the point to the plane and then
begins to enlarge at the right (experimental) place.