We investigate the dephasing dynamics of Bloch oscillations in semiconductor superlattices by means of a very simple model including weak disorder and applied electric fields A thorough numerical study of our model allows us to claim that small, unintentional well width fluctuation can be responsible for fast dephasing of Bloch oscillations at low temperatures. We show that the lifetime of Bloch oscillations is controlled by a characteristic time which depends on the degree of disorder and is independent of the electric field This result is further supported by the excellent agreement between our model calculations and several recent experiments, and leads to specifi new predictions.Keywords: Superlattices; Bloch oscillations; Disorder; Dephasing mechanisms Dynamical effects in quantum-well semiconductors superlattices (SL's) are the basis for designing ultra-high speed electronic devices, as have been recently proposed [1]. This idea of semiconductor SL's operating at terahertz frequencies was already suggested a long time ago by Esaki and Tsu [2], who argued that electrons should undergo periodic Bloch oscillations (BO's) [3,4]: Under an applied electric fiel F, electrons oscillate in real space as well as in k space with a characteristic period given by t 5 2p" /eFd, d being the spatial period of the SL [5][6][7]. The amplitude of BO's in real space is B A 5 D / 2eF, where D is the minibandwidth. The coherent carrier motion is thus restricted to a region of length 2 A. This periodic motion persists until the Bloch electron loses energy gained from the fiel through scattering processes. Reports of unambiguous experimental evidences for BO's in GaAsGa Al As are presently available [8][9][10][11][12]. Inelastic scattering by phonons, deviations from SL's perfect periodicity due to unintentional imperfections, intraband scattering, interminiband transitions, and scattering by impurities severely reduce the quantum coherence required for the observation of BO's. Indeed, the scattering time t must be larger than the Bloch period t and therefore the electric fiel must be larger than certain critical B electric fiel F [11]. However, even in the most favorable experimental conditions t is not much c * Corresponding