71.35.Cc; 73.21.Fg; 78.47.+p; 78.67.De Dedicated to Professor Dr. Roland Zimmermann on the occasion of his 60th birthday We present the results of a study of the dynamics of trions and excitons in a CdTe modulationdoped quantum well as a function of temperature in the low-density regime. Using three-pulse four-wave mixing technique, we show that, at low temperature, these quasi-particles are inhomogeneously broadened and localized due to disorder effects. At higher temperatures, trions and excitons are mobile and their homogeneous broadening is largely increased as a result of acoustic phonon scattering. Consistently, time-resolved luminescence measurements also reveal a free-particle character for trions at high temperatures.
IntroductionAbsorption and luminescence spectra of modulation-doped CdTe quantum wells feature a spectral line situated a few meV below the neutral exciton (X). This line is assigned to negatively (X --) (positively (X þ )) charged excitons. This exciton complex is also called trion. Trions were observed for the first time by Kheng et al. [1] in CdTe-based quantum wells. The properties of trions have been a very active field of research over the last few years for many reasons, one of them being that trions consist of an excitonic resonance, which carries a net Coulomb charge. A number of properties of the trions have been rather well clarified recently, but the ability of the trions to move in the plane of the quantum well is still a matter of very active discussion. It has been argued that trions are formed with localized electrons [2-4] and should therefore themselves be localized. Other reports claim that trions are free to move in the plane of the quantum well [5,6].In this paper, we review the dynamics of trions and excitons in an n-doped CdTe quantum well. This is a topic where the group of Roland Zimmermann has been very active over the last years, and in particular, with Axel Esser [7,8], they have developed