A phenomenological multi-wave mixing model has been used along with a more general solution of Kukhtarev's model to explain intensitydependent beam-fanning in photorefractive (PR) BaTiO3 crystal. The variation of trap density owing to the photoexcitation of charge carriers has been considered to explain the intensity-dependent e ect. Theoretical results predicted by the model show a con®rmation with experimental results obtained from PR crystal, and also show some of the controlling mechanisms that enable use of beam-fanning for some potential applications.
IntroductionBeam-fanning (or ampli®ed scattered light) is commonly observed while performing experiments with photorefractive (PR) crystals possessing large two-beam coupling coe cients. Such an e ect is more pronouncedly observed in a PR BaTiO3 crystal with 4 mm symmetry while exploiting the largest electro-optic coe cient r42 (820 pm V -1 ). To understand the origin of PR beam-fanning, two accepted and alternative view points have been proposed in the literature [1, 2]. One is based on the fact that symmetric incident light intensity creates a strong asymmetric refractive index change leading to beam distortion. An alternative view attributes beam-fanning to energy coupling between the incident beam and scattered components that originate from the crystal imperfections in the PR crystal. The ampli®ed scattered beams, thereby, produce beam-fanning. Our study uses the above fact to model beam-fanning in PR crystal.The presence of beam-fanning is deleterious to applications involving signal ampli®cation and it is possible to seize its growth and in¯uence by using various mechanisms. On the other hand, phenomenon of beam-fanning has been used in demonstrations of novelty ®ltering [3,7], optical limiting [4], dynamic range compression [5], incoherent-to-coherent conversion [6], feature extraction and pattern recognition [8]. Some of these above mentioned applications use intensitydependent behaviour observed in the growth of beam-fanning.