High speed networks over long distance with superior transmission efficiency is the need & demand of current and next generation networks. For which, millimetre wave (mm-wave) based many Radio over Fiber (RoF) networks are proposed earlier with several modulation and multiplexing techniques. This paper presents an efficient RoF network comprising of cascaded combination of an Mach
Zehnder Modulator (MZM) & a Li-Nb MZM in transmitter alongwith Optical Phase Conjugator (OPC) in the link to improve the extensive bandwidth quality transmission over longer distances. The proposed model reports successful transmission of 8 channel WDM signal with RF signal of 110 GHz over a range of 100 km at 12 Gbps data rate. The model provides an average Bit Error Rate (BER) of 10^(−58) and an average Q-factor of 15.64 when channel spacing is kept at 0.5 nm.