is triggered by an ordinary action potential, the trigger mechanism in field-stimulated cells is not so obvious. The contraction characteristics of the two methods differ, and we, therefore, examined the triggering sequence in field-stimulated cells. Isolated rat cardiomyocytes were plated on laminin-coated coverslips that were mounted on an inverted light microscope and superfused with HEPES-Tyrode buffer (pH 7.4; 37°C). The cells were stimulated to contract either by a 0.5-ms current injection (CC cells) through high-resistance electrodes or a 5-ms biphasic field-stimulation pulse (FS cells), and drugs were added to block sarcolemmal proteins involved in excitation-contraction coupling. Time to peak contraction (TTP) was significantly longer in FS cells and was not affected by the polarity or the length of the stimulus pulse. Tetrodotoxin (TTX; 20 M) blocked cell shortening in CC cells but not in FS cells. Ni 2ϩ (5 mM) blocked cell shortening in FS cells, whereas KB-R7943 (KB; 5 M) had no effect either on cell shortening or TTP. In FS cells, nifedipine (Nif; 100 M) and Cd 2ϩ (300 M) reduced fractional shortening by 34 and 63%, respectively, but only Cd 2ϩ affected TTP (reduced by 48%). A combination of Nif and KB reduced cell shortening by 50%, whereas a combination of Cd 2ϩ and KB almost abolished cell shortening. We conclude that field stimulation per se prolongs TTP and that cell shortening in FS cells is not dependent on Na ϩ current but is triggered by a combination of L-type Ca 2ϩ current and reverse mode Na ϩ /Ca 2ϩ exchange. -induced Ca 2ϩ release (CICR)]. In addition, the combination of depolarization and Na ϩ accumulation in the cell facilitates reversemode Na ϩ /Ca 2ϩ exchange, which also might contribute to CICR (34, 43).During current-clamp experiments, a small current is injected into the cell and a normal action potential (AP) follows. An alternative is to use a brief electric field to trigger cell shortening (field stimulation), and biphasic pulses are often used to minimize electrolysis. The two methods of stimulation are fundamentally different. A current injection triggers a uniform depolarization, whereas an electric field will expose each part of the membrane to different potentials during stimulation (8,22,31,41,47,48). We observed that contraction characteristics depend on the stimulation method used. Because cell shortening might be triggered differently in fieldstimulated (FS) and current-clamped (CC) cells, this difference might be reflected in contractile characteristics. In this work, we wanted to compare the two methods of stimulation, in particular we wanted to examine the trigger sequence of FS cells and we hypothesize that it is different from the sequence seen in CC cells.
MATERIALS AND METHODSAnimals were cared for according to the Norwegian Animal Welfare Act, which conforms to the National Institutes of Health guidelines (NIH publication No. 85-23, revised 1996). Two animals were kept in each cage and housed in a temperature-regulated room with a 12:12-h day-night cycle and ...