Abstract. In anthracene crystals doped with phenazine two types of ONP active triplet states are identified: delocalized triplet excitons of anthracene and localized triplet states with small zero-field splitting and characteristic hyperfme interaction (hfi). All three basic ONP mechanisms can be demonstrated in one system with transfer of the photoinduced electron polarization (OEP) to the nuclear spins by (a) static hfi in the level crossing region (LAC-ONP), (b) time modulated hfi inducing electron-nuclear cross relaxation (Overhauser effect) and (c) rf saturation of forbidden transitions (RF-ONP, solid effect). The localized triplet states are identified as a radical pair product of a H-transfer photoreaction, in which an H atom is abstracted from an anthracene X-trap to the neighboring phenazine guest molecule, between two translationally equivalent lattice sites along the crystalline b-axis. Kinetic rates determined with RF-ONP techniques indicate a cyclic reaction with slow radical pair product formation and faster, spin selective, triplet product decay. Analogies are discussed with similar H-transfer reactions in doped fluorene. Whereas anthracene acts as H-acceptor when doped in fluorene, it becomes H-donor in the anthracene crystal doped with phenazine.