Elementary excitations of the 4kF charge density wave state of a quarter-filled strongly correlated electronic one-dimensional chain are investigated in the presence of dispersionless quantum optical phonons using Density Matrix Renormalization Group techniques. Such excitations are shown to be topological solitons carrying charge e/2 and spin zero. Relevance to the 4kF charge density wave instability in (DI − DCNQI)2Ag or recently discovered in (TMTTF)2X (X=PF6, AsF6) is discussed. 75.50.Ee, 71.27.+a, 75.40.Mg It is well know that one-dimensional (1D) Su-ShriefferHeeger (SSH) 1 or Hubbard-SSH models exhibit exotic elementary excitations including neutral soliton with spin 3,4 . In these models, the phonons couple to the electrons via inter-site interactions which lead to an insulating Bond Order Wave ground state (GS). In fact, such solitonic excitations are also generic in commensurate site-centered Charge Density Wave (CDW) states and, hence, should also exist (in the vicinity of commensurate fillings) in the case of strong short range electronic repulsion leading to commensurate 4k F charge instability. In addition to strong electron-electron correlation, local on-site electron-phonon coupling (to be compared with the intersite vibration in the SSH model) is of particular relevance in systems where the "site" represents a complex structure with internal degrees of freedom. Molecular crystals such as the quasi-1D charge transfer salts 5 present this type of characteristic. Interplay between electronelectron and electron-phonon interactions provides a very rich physics. For example, several systems have been recently observed to present transitions towards charge ordered phases where the molecules of the conducting stack support unequal electron densities, and in some cases associated relaxation of their interal geometry. This is for instance the case for the most strongly 1D system of the Bechgaard-Fabre salts familly, namely (TMTTF) 2 PF 6 and (TMTTF) 2 AsF 6 ; below the Mott localisation temperature T ρ evidences for an additional transition towards a 4k F (site-centered) CDW state have been recently provided by dielectric response measurements 6 , NMR 7 and anomalous temperature dependence of the X-ray Bragg peaks 8 . Similar transitions have been seen in (BEDT − TTF) 2 X 9 as well as in (DI − DCNQI) 2 Ag 10 which exhibits below 220K a 4k F CDW associated with geometry modulations of the DI − DCNQI molecules. A pictorial description of a solitonic state can be simply given assuming e.g. a quarter-filled strongly correlated chain, in a 4k F CDW state, provided a doubling of the unit cell. In that case, the GS charge modulation can be parametrized as n i = 1 2 + A 4kF cos(4k F r i + φ) where k F = π/4, A 4kF is the magnitude and φ the phase of the charge oscillation. Hence, due to the equivalence between the even and odd sites, the GS is two fold degenerate (φ = 0 and φ = π). A solitonic excitation can be described as a state which interpolates between the two different GS patterns with a slowly monotoni...