We study transverse spin in a sub-wavelength metal-dielectric-metal (MDM) sphere when the MDM sphere exhibits avoided crossing due to hybridization of the surface plasmon with the Mie localized plasmon. We show that the change in the absorptive and dipersive character near the crossing can have significant effect on the transverse spin. An enhancement in the transverse spin is shown to be possible associated with the transparency (suppression of extinction) of the MDM sphere. The effect is attributed to the highly structured field emerging as a consequence of competition of the electric and magnetic modes.Keywords: Scattering, Mie theory, Avoided crossing, Surface plasmons, Transverse spin Light-matter interaction in the strong coupling regime resulting in vacuum-field Rabi splittings has been one of the central themes in cavity quantum electrodynamics [1][2][3][4][5]. The coupling occurs when the dispersion branches of the uncoupled systems cross and results in the avoided crossing phenomenon and normal mode splitting. The resulting physics can have interesting implications for various applications ranging from fast and slow light [6,7] and optical sensing [8] to counting and sizing of nanoparticles [9]. The avoided crossing phenomena have been observed in a variety of optical as well as condensed matter systems. These include planar or spherical plasmonic or guided wave structures, metamaterial cavities, in photonic crystal fibers [8,[10][11][12], etc. Contrary to the belief that the split modes can be resolved only with high-finesse optical modes, recent focus on systems with substantial losses (eg. plasmonic nanocavities, and leaky cavities) demonstrated the avoided crossing phenomena [13][14][15] in such systems. Our interest in the strongly coupled systems is motivated by the fact that there is a significant change in the dispersive and absorptive properties near the avoided crossing caused by mode mixing and exchange [16][17][18]. This could result in a highly structured field which is essential for observing yet another important recent discovery, namely, the transverse spin [19] in optical systems [20][21][22].It is well known that the linear momentum (P) carried by light waves can be decomposed into orbital (P o ) and spin (P s ) parts [23,24]. The orbital momentum (P o ) is the so-called canonical momentum of light which is responsible for the energy transport and radiation pressure. The spin momentum, on the other hand, has long been known as a 'virtual' entity which does not transport energy or exerts pressure on the dipolar particle and is only responsible for generating the spin angular momentum (SAM) (P s ≈ ∇ × S) [19]. However, recent studies have shown that