We point out inconsistencies in the recent paper by Oughstun et al. on Sommerfeld and Brillouin precursors [J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 27, 1664-1670(2010]. Their study is essentially numerical and, for the parameters used in their simulations, the difference between the two limits considered is not as clear-cut as they state. The steep rise of the Brillouin precursor obtained in the singular limit and analyzed as a distinguishing feature of this limit simply results from an unsuitable time scale. In fact, the rise of the precursor is progressive and is perfectly described by a Airy function. In the weak dispersion limit, the equivalence relation, established at great length in Section 3 of the paper, appears as an immediate result in the retarded-time picture. Last but not least, we show that, contrary to the authors claim, the precursors are catastrophically affected by the rise-time of the incident optical field, even when the latter is considerably faster than the medium relaxation time.OCIS codes: 260.2030, 320.5550, 320.2250.PACS numbers: 42.25. Bs, 42.50.Md, 41.20.Jb In a recent paper [1], Oughstun et al. revisit the classical problem of the propagation of a step modulated pulse in a Lorentz model medium. They specifically consider the case where the absorption line is narrow (singular limit) and the one where the refractive index of the medium keeps very close to unity at every frequency (weak dispersion limit). The medium is characterized by its complex refractive indexHere ω, ω p , ω 0 and δ respectively designate the current optical frequency, the plasma frequency, the resonance frequency and the damping or relaxation rate. The wave propagates in the z-direction. In the following we use the retarded time t, equal to the real time minus z/c where c is the velocity of light in vacuum (retarded time picture). The medium is then characterized by the transfer functionand the field transmitted E(z, t) at the abscissa z reads asHere a is a positive constant and E(0, ω) is the Fourier transform of the incident field E(0, t). In [1], the latter is assumed to have the idealized formwhere Θ(t) is the unit step function and ω c is the frequency of the optical carrier.Although it abundantly refers to the theoretical results obtained by the asymptotic method, the study reported in [1] is mainly numerical. All the simulations are made for ω 0 = 3.9 × 10 14 rad/s [2] and ω c = 3.0 × 10 14 rad/s in a normal dispersion region. The singular and weak dispersion limits are respectively attained when δ ≪ ω 0 and ω 2 p ≪ δω 0 [see Eq. (1)]. Oughstun et al. emphasize that these two limiting cases "are fundamentally different in their effects upon propagation" but, surprisingly enough, they take for their simulations in the weak dispersion limit a value of δ for which the singular limit nearly holds (δ < ω 0 /100). Consequently, mutatis mutandis, the results obtained in the two limits appears qualitatively similar. The steep rise of the Brillouin precursor obtained in the singular limit (their Fig.3) and analyzed as a distinguishi...