Integrable models such as the spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain, the Lieb-Liniger or the one-dimensional Hubbard model are known to avoid thermalization, which was also demonstrated in several quantumquench experiments. Another dramatic consequence of integrability is the zero-frequency anomaly in transport coefficients, which results in ballistic finite-temperature transport, despite the presence of strong interactions. While this aspect of nonergodic dynamics has been known for a long time, there has so far not been any unambiguous experimental realization thereof. We make a concrete proposal for the observation ballistic transport via local quantum quench experiments in fermionic quantum-gas microscopes. Such an experiment would also unveil the coexistence of ballistic and diffusive transport channels in one and the same system and provide a means of measuring finitetemperature Drude weights. The connection between local quenches and linear-response functions is established via time-dependent Einstein relations.Introduction.-Nonergodic dynamics in closed manybody quantum systems is one of the most actively investigated branches of nonequilibrium physics [1][2][3][4]. The canonical examples are either Bethe-ansatz integrable one-dimensional (1D) models such as the spin-1/2 XXZ chain, the Fermi-Hubbard model [5], hard-core bosons [6] or many-body localized systems [7][8][9]. Integrable systems possess an extensive set of local conserved quantities that can constrain the long-time behavior in the relaxation dynamics starting from nonequilibrium initial conditions [10] induced by, e.g., quantum quenches. This leads to the failure of these systems to thermalize with respect to standard thermodynamic ensembles (for a review, see [11]), rooted in the violation of the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis [12][13][14][15].Another prominent consequence of integrability in clean systems is the possibility of anomalous transport properties at finite temperatures and in the linearresponse regime as was shown in a seminal paper by Zotos, Naef, and Prelovšek [16]. Within the Kubo formalism, one decomposes conductivities into a regular part and a zero-frequency contribution with the Drude weight D