The results of the theoretical study of I he electronic states of the R+-centre in alkali halides are reported. No empirical parameters are used in this calculation. The electronic core polarization is taken into account. The results of the calculation are in satisfactory agreement with the experimental data and can be considered as a theoretical confirmation of the F;-model of the R+-centre.
B pa6o~e M~J I~~~I O T C I Ipe3ynt~a~h1 TeopeTmecKoro paccMoTpeHm a n e~~p o r r -HOB CTpymyphi R+ UeHTpa R uenoworanonzHbx KpneTannax. Hmamie 3~nl1-pwecmie napaMeTpbr B pacseTe IIe ~c n o n i~i y m~c~~. YVsaTbIsaercR s n e~~p o~r r a n IlOJl~~l43aIWIJI HOHOB OCTOBa. Pe3YJIbTaTbI PaCveTa y~OBJIeTBOpHTe~bI10 COrJlaCyIOTCH C 3IiC~ePHMelITaJ1hIIhIMIl AaHHbIMH H MorYT paCCMaTpnBaThCH HBK TeOpeTH9ecKoe IIoATBepXHeHHe F:-ivoaenm R ' -l i e~~p a .
Model of the R+-CentreUnder X-ray irradiation and exposure to light of appropriate frequency the F-aggregate centres in alkali halides can be ionized. I n this process charged centres (FZ, F3+) are generated from neutral aggregate centres (F2, F3) All these results give support for choosing as model of the Rf-centre a n aggregate of three adjacent negative-ion vacancies with two electrons localized on them.which the transition t>akes place ;